Serving a movement of student churches
A student movement is growing on college campuses around the world. Students in love with Jesus and inspired by His love are going as missionaries to their campus. They join with Jesus to seek and save the lost, and they endeavor to start simple churches on campus in every place there is darkness. The vision is simple:
No student would leave university without experiencing the gospel, as it’s lived out in simple church communities all over each campus.
That every nation on earth would be reached with the gospel in this generation as an overflow of a worldwide student movement.
One way we serve the movement is through Student CPx, a two-week training experience we host with a diverse team of student leaders and ministries.
The thoughts below are written by Lauren Nanson, a University of Texas student who hosted a Student CPx event in Austin, TX. She shares her feelings and experiences at SCPx as she prepares to reach her campus with the gospel this fall.
“I must say Student CPx Austin far surpassed my expectations. I always
hear people say, “If you’re vision seems possible to accomplish, than
you’re not dreaming big enough.” Real visions should be so extreme, so
ridiculous, so unlikely, that only God could do it. What happened at
SCPx was so extreme, so ridiculous, and so unlikely, that looking back
I know it was all God who did it. I’m like, God I couldn’t even dream
that up if I tried.
So this is how I measure fruit- not by how powerful the worship was,
not by a number count of how many people came to Christ, nor by how
many people came to the training…. real fruit = personal
transformation. And that’s exactly what we saw.
Short memories pass through my mind of moments that are hard to think
about without crying. The tears that came from a simple prayer
breaking off generational curses. The intense freedom and joy that
released God’s children into dancing as two students got baptized, not
as a ceremony like the first time, but as a celebration. Guys, yes
guys, weeping at the effects of the church coming together in genuine
care, relationship, and fellowship; the profound contrast between
being used in order to advance someone’s ministry… and being
loved… in order to be loved. I remember Jesus baptizing some
students in ways that we couldn’t… with the Holy Spirit and with
fire. And the grateful response to being healed… by the One whose
favorite activity is to heal every type of sickness and disease.
Students leaving with new outlooks on life, with testimonies bound to
be repeated, with a vision that chills the flesh, and a hunger that
cannot be satisfied. Three teams forming, one that will shake and
transform Joplin, Missouri, one that will fill TCU with God’s glory,
and one that will usher in the long-due revival at UT. And we will
never forget that night of prayer when we lingered in the presence of
Jesus together till our bodies demanded sleep. “His presence is life.
His absence is death.” We heard it from Brian, but we learned it from
I can’t handle the history [of this movement]. I just freak out. Two students named
Joshua and Caleb begin to pray and preach, longing for a move of God
they never saw with their eyes… but something was shifting the
spiritual realm. Simultaneously Lee Myers begins to bring the kingdom
of God to earth, walking in faith and healing the sick… before
disease attacks back and takes his life. God marks the students. And
then He calls forth fathers and mothers. They all begin to see the
vision that was in His eyes… all at the same time… and by destiny
they find each other and start the first Student CPx. One year later,
there are three Student CPx’s. And two of those who attended were the
firstfruits of the first SCPx.
The story continues.
The weave of divine appointments continues to tangle, and the tree that started as a tiny seed continues to grow, until soon all the birds of the air will find shelter there. Sam Lee said at the first SCPx, “If we were to witness the glory of God’s plan, we would die.” Just a glance into a fragment of it, and I’m feeling sick. All I can say is, prepare the way of the Lord.
There is nobody who can do what our Jesus just did. I can hear Kirk Franklin calling…”Can I get a witness in the house!”
(- Lauren)
Yes, Jesus, may your church grow on every campus to reach every city and nation in this generation!
Reach the world for Jesus!