Knowing God is a Father who loves us and is proud of us as His children is a core value that has transformed my life. Our future “performance” can never add to or take away the Father’s deeply passionate love for each one of us who have been adopted into His family through Christ. Next to my own times with God, some of my favorite moments in life are watching others encounter Father’s love personally.
This happened for Sarah this week at Student CPx at Oregon State University.
Sarah gave her life to Jesus this summer. She came to SCPX to learn how to plant a simple church for her non-Christian friends in her residence hall. Sarah was baptized a few days ago by another student in a fountain on the Oregon State campus during SCPX. (I took Hudson with me – he’s pictured below sitting on the shoulders of Isaiah, a good friend and leader in Corvallis, OR.)
Later that night, we spent time worshiping and meditating on the message of God the Father’s love for us. That night, Sarah went off by herself and felt God wrap her in his arms. Though she didn’t have a strong relationship with her earthly father, her new Father in heaven was wrapping her in His arms and affirming her with His love. The next morning, she shared a song she wrote out of this encounter with God:
Close your eyes, My child
You can rest now, My child
You can be weak now, My sweet child
You can just be. Just be, My sweet child
I know what happened way back when
You don’t have to defend
I made you a fighter; a survivor warrior
Nothing is coincidence, My sweet child
How I love you
How I love you
How I love you
My sweet child