Any student. Any campus. Introducing
November 1, 2011

Throughout history, God’s people have used technological innovations of a period to expand God’s redemptive purposes for the world. Whether it’s the Apostle Paul traveling the complexly engineered Roman Roads to plant churches, Guttenberg using the printing press to distribute Bibles in Medieval times, Radio and TV in the 20th Century, or the Internet today, God’s people do well to consider how to utilize modern tools to fulfill the Great Commission.

Today, the explosion of internet usage and online social networking creates unprecedented opportunities to impact students worldwide with the gospel. Capitalizing on this trend, is a tool we created to connect, chronicle, and resource students worldwide to grow simple churches on their campus. Interfacing with Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube, will serve both students and campus ministers in providing tools and online support for growing simple churches on their campus. allows us to bypass geographic boundaries to equip the average student on a university campus anywhere in the world to reach their campus with the gospel.

Meet the Fam

Allows student church planters and other campus leaders to connect with other SCPX’ers through Facebook, Youtube, and Twitter. Users can upload and download video, audio, and print resources to encourage each other.

Growing beyond the campus

The Hubs section connects students with friends who share our vision and values of growing movements beyond the campus to the marketplace, urban core, and international missions movements.

Our vision is at least one thriving student church spreading on and beyond every university in the world.

Want to reach your campus to reach the world for Jesus? Register now at

Every campus, every city, and every nation in our generation!


  1. Christopher Andios

    Dear Erick, I just found out more about your ministry at SCPX, and would love to learn more about this movement. I have been involved in discipling youth and students at university here in Indonesia. If God’s willing hope we can invite you to come and train us here. Love to see this movement!

    • Erik Fish

      Christopher, I just connected with you on Facebook. Blessings to you and your work in Indonesia.


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