Training in the Basics
August 8, 2013

One of the things I equip people to do is â€œmake disciples who obey the basic commands of Jesus.”

A baby follows a progression of more complex movement – they mature from lying on their back, to rolling over, to crawling, to cruising, to walking, to running, to riding tricycles, to riding bicycles, etc.

So it can be when following Jesus and making disciples. If we teach people the basics, they’ve got a great foundation to build on. (Like the picture above, it’s never too late to start learning the basics of disciple making if you missed out!)

I teach people to disciple others toward taking 7 Basic Steps with Jesus:

  1. Repent and Believe
  2. Be Baptized
  3. Receive the Holy Spirit
  4. Love – God and others
  5. Abide – pray and spend time with God
  6. Break Bread with other disciples
  7. Go Make Other Disciples (Teach others to follow 7 steps with Jesus).

These aren’t everything Jesus taught. There’s a lifetime of learning ahead for every one of us who follows Jesus. But these seven basic steps are a great starting place for multiplying movements of disciples who make disciples, who make disciples. These are some of the things I implement to create new movements of disciples, churches, and missions.

Who could you teach to obey the basic commands of Jesus?


Get my Disciple book here. A tool for cultivating one to one and small group discipling relationships


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