This describes our first night in Costa Rica.
Yes, I did wear Jen’s flip-flops for a couple days after losing my luggage.
No, I will not email you pictures. (Though my wife mischievously took some).
We’ve been given a time of sabbatical for a few months in Costa Rica. It’s an adventure for our family and the first sabbatical we’ve taken in many years. We are learning so much together…
Going deeper with God. Getting breathing room to pray and dream. Time for Jen to do art and me to write. Spending time just hanging out with God, talking as a family, taking hikes in the jungle, and exercising on the beach.
There are areas of great wealth and beauty…
And areas of great poverty …
Here is what a typical morning looks like here:
After almost twenty years of walking with Jesus, no matter where I am in the world, it’s still my favorite way to greet the day.
We’re learning Spanish and adjusting to life in Central America. I’ve almost been run off the road a few times! We’re learning that obtaining a car here is quite an ordeal if you do it legally. Thankfully, my sister’s fiancé is a lawyer here and is helping us.
Here’s one we’re looking at:

Pray for us to find a good car! This could be the one
It’s reasonably priced and has seven seat belts. It’s been a bit difficult to find a reasonably priced car here that fits our needs.
Here was our kids’ reaction, though, upon learning that the car was naranja (orange):




God is doing great things in our family. I am encountering the Lord in new and wonderful ways.
I wasn’t expecting it, but as I’ve spent time with God the last couple weeks, I’ve reflected a great deal on the supernatural power of generosity.
God used two men — worlds apart — to steer my thoughts this way. Read my next post to hear how God used a poor old man with a bag and a wealthy man on a mountain to teach me a life lesson.