I just returned from Kona, HI and the University of Southern California. Both trips went great! In Kona, I trained 200+ young leaders using my new DiscipleX program:
These young leaders will travel to over 10 nations in the next two months.

Students learn to gather in small groups for worship, prayer, and interacting with God’s word.
I trained groups to facilitate 7 reproducible discipleship experiences with new believers. I want people to remember the steps when they go out into their harvest field. Facilitating skits/songs is a great way to increase memory retention. This is an effective training tool I learned from Dr. George Patterson.
Here a group illustrates the first four steps of multiplying disciples – Change, Water, Fire, Tell I concluded my trip with three days training staff and students at the University of Southern California. I had the privilege of training this group with one of my heroes, Winkie Pratney, (middle) a legend in youth ministry, missions, and revival.
I was also privileged to come alongside a long-time friend and mentor in ministry, Leo Lawson (left). Leo trained me for campus ministry in 1998. What a joy to now work alongside him and train his staff and students at USC for multiplying disciples!
Jesus showed us not only how to make converts, but how to make disciples!
This weekend, I head to the University of Texas to train 30 freshman students to multiply disciple making groups and simple churches in their dorms this year. I look forward to sharing the testimonies with you.
I consider myself one of the most blessed people alive to be able to do what I’m passionate about – multiplying disciples to reach the nations.
Will you help us bring DiscipleX trainings to more people to multiply disciples? Cities are opening. I need help to get this innovative training to more people.
Please click here to give online.
Keep making disciples, Erik