Think about when you might have experienced these patterns in your walk with God:
You experience a personal change where – gradually or dramatically – you come to believe the truth of the Gospel.
You experience water baptism.
You experience personal empowerment from the Holy Spirit.
You share newfound faith discoveries with friends or family.
You hear from God in a personal way while praying or reading the Bible.
You grow quality relationships with other disciples, gathering to worship and remember Jesus.
You grow a mentoring relationship with someone else to help them grow with God.
In the Scriptures, I find these seven experiences present in the stories that mark people’s transformation from a life ruled by the world to a life set free by Jesus. They don’t always follow an exact order, but if you look, you can often find them.
Chances are, if you’ve been following Jesus for awhile, you’ve experienced them, too.
What if we could “nudge” others along this track, nurturing their growth as Jesus followers in organic, conversational ways?
My passion is to maximize the number of people making disciples throughout the US.
Here’s someone who’s doing a great job of it.
A few weeks back, I introduced you to Allan. Allan is using pocket Disciple to reproduce these disciple making experiences with his friend Ivy in LA high schools with One Voice Student Mission (OVSM).
Allan shared this testimony with me this week:
Pocket Disciple has helped me be intentional and focused when teaching high school students to follow Jesus. It is a great resource and it keeps me from going all over the place. It is really simple to use which has reminded me of the simplicity of the gospel of Jesus. We just had our first group of kids get baptized! They shared their experience in front of the entire Christian club of more than 400 High school students. It was amazing!!

Students being baptized
The same gospel that turned the world upside down in the first century is still doing the same today.
Keep experiencing God and let him change your world from the inside out!
Want to make more disciples?
Pocket Disciple can help.