Online Courses
You have permission to dream with God and express your God-given creativity in the world!
My courses are designed to empower your creativity while giving you practical strategies and tools to create movements of the Jesus Way of life. There’s a mixture of video, written, and audio content for each course prayerfully designed to equip you.
Permission Given to create your own adventure with Jesus!

Creating Gospel Movements
The way of Jesus can spread like dandelion seeds - a viral movement that grows wherever the wind blows! It doesn't take a lot of expertise, money, or experience. This course is designed to tap into your unique creativity and passions to discover you have permission to dream with God and plant gospel movements in the most unlikely of places.

Simple Church
Erik has started hundreds of simple churches in homes, coffee shops, university campuses, and Native American reservations around the world. In this four-part video course Erik teaches about the practical side of starting and nurturing simple churches with the goal of equipping normal followers of Jesus to create loving communities of disciples.