The Fish Blog
Articles, videos, podcasts, and musings from Erik.

American Reformation Podcast
Imagine a third generation conservative Lutheran pastor and an edgy, outside-the-box missional leader sitting down each week to engage in lively discussions about what it means to be the Church of Jesus and engage in His mission for Post-Christendom America

Empathetic Spaces for Encounters with Jesus
Did you ever stop to realize that Jesus had feelings? And the way he felt about people led him to connect with them and teach them in effective ways. In Mark...

Jesus and LGBTQ+ Conversations
My son and I sat overlooking the waterfall with our friend, also a follower of Jesus, reveling in the beauty of this hidden Oregon gem of a place. Young...

COVID, Chaos, and the Church.
Disruption is a great descriptor for the times in which we live. Times of chaos and disruption -- whether it's social upheaval, business disruption, industry...

DeMystifying Evangelism
Did you ever notice that Jesus was a great conversation starter? He taught people in the course of everyday life about the kingdom of God, using terms and...

A Jesus Lifestyle, part Two
It's so much fun to discover how good the "Good News" really is and be involved in the mission of God, no matter who you are; no matter your personality; no...

A Jesus Lifestyle Part One
After hearing The Starbucks Prophet podcast series, I emailed Bob Fraser a question. Seven years prior, while ordering coffee at Starbucks, a barista...

Viral Evangelism
I taught an online class yesterday with pastors and business people from the U.S. and Europe. I woke up this a.m. feeling so encouraged and so hopeful as we...
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