Student Church
Paradigm Shifts & YWAM Simple Church Planting

Paradigm Shifts & YWAM Simple Church Planting

I spent the last week in Kona, HI (hard, right?) training YWAM DTS missionaries with my friend Pam Arlund. We equipped around 300 students to make disciples and plant simple churches that can multiply among youth. We've seen this process begin on hundreds of...

Matches and Movements: What Kind of Revival Do We Want?

Matches and Movements: What Kind of Revival Do We Want?

Josiah sits with a group of us on campus and hears how Jesus calls us to follow Him and be baptized. He confesses Jesus as Lord, we fill up the bathtub, and his friends baptize him.  One day, we all take communion together with some fifty-cent, day-old Jimmy John’s...

Drugs. Jail. Jesus. Miracles

Drugs. Jail. Jesus. Miracles

I sent this message out to the Student Church community at today. Are you trusting God for student-led movements for the gospel on your campus? Join the global online community for student churches and mobilizers! Bear was a freshman at Haskell...

Movement or Spiritual Family?

“The Lord sets the solitary in families.” Psalm 68:6 Q: Lots of multiplication and reproduction. What do you call that? A: The answer is two-fold. You can call it a movement or you can call it a growing family. When lots of kids are born – it’s a great thing. However,...

When Students Travel For Jesus

You and your two friends walk on to a campus. You’re nervous. You’ve never been here before. You just drove overnight to get to a new campus you felt God putting on your heart. You pray for God to lead you, but you don’t sense anything yet. After you pray again, you...

5 Step Strategy for Student Church Planting

After returning last week from a month-long trip in Central America, I noticed the above ad at the top of the mountain of mail awaiting our attention.  It was advertising a "new church" was starting in town. (I covered up the church's name at the top). The...

Traveling Teams

"GO" are the first two letters of God's name! Since the beginning of history, God's purposes for the earth have been spread through traveling teams. Abraham, Jonah, Isaiah, the apostles, the 72 others, Paul and Barnabus... oh yeah, and Jesus. They all traveled on...