“This may be the most understandable guide to Christianity, ever.”
– Tim McClellan, Athletic Trainer and Olympic Coach
This week, I released an updated version of the Disciple book on Amazon.
Throughout America, Europe, and SE Asia (Chinese version) thousands of people are experiencing a new lifestyle of following Jesus and a deeper understanding of the compelling narrative of the Bible as it relates to our lives in the 21st Century.
Most of the book remains the same. But I’m very pleased with a new emphasis on the issue of “Identity”.
New (or older!) believers sometimes struggle with shame, discouragement, and doubts when they compare themselves with others or feel condemned for mistakes they make. Some experience setbacks in their faith.
But here’s a powerful truth that will change your life: Behavior flows from identity. The Good News of Jesus promises that, as a beloved son or daughter of our Father in heaven, you have a new identity. Like a perfect parent, God loves you no less while you go through a process of growing up with Him. WHO YOU ARE IN CHRIST is not who you used to be. God will guide you as a good Father to fully realize who He made you to become. If you make mistakes or haven’t yet figured out how to overcome a problem, God doesn’t love you any less or feel differently about you. God didn’t call you his child because you earned it. He loves you and takes great pleasure in you while you go through the process of learning and growing up.
“To all who believed Him, he gave the right to become children of God.” (John 1)
Just two days ago, I sat with Mikey, a college student I’m guiding through Disciple. Our relationship is deepening, the message of Jesus is transforming his life, and it’s impacting his friends from his college soccer team.

Mikey and I getting coffee and going through Disciple
Thank you to those who are using Disciple to fulfill it’s subtitle: “Journey with Jesus: Change Your World.”
To our friends and partners who make it possible for me to release works like Disciple, thank you so much for your constant love and encouragement!
— Erik