Syria’s Hope
December 3, 2014

My friend, Carol Davis,  recently launched a worthy endeavor that could change the physical and spiritual future for millions this December. 

The Syrian Refugee situation is being called the greatest and most complex humanitarian emergency of our lifetime. Yet I talk with believers everyday that are unaware of the magnitude and significance of what is happening, with half of Syria’s population having fled their homes for safety.

We CAN do more than wring our hands over this situation. … We can PRAY!

A sustainable breakthrough for the Syrian people will not come through bombs or negotiations.  It will only come through a consistent, real, and focused movement of prayer.

And God is already on the move.

Did you know that many leaders across the Syrian refugee crisis are already receiving dreams and visions of Jesus?

Many are coming to faith and are being discipled.

Will you take action with me today? 

If so, please visit The Syrian Circle website here:

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Register to receive daily prayer points, beginning December 1 and be part of an intense, urgent and focused intercession, encircling the Syrian people in prayer for 31 days in December.

Why December — our busiest month, celebrating our Lord’s birth in our churches and with family?  Because their situation is urgent!

I hope you will choose to join me. Even though it’s an inconvenient season, sacrifice a few moments each day to pray the way you would want to be prayed for if you were in a similar situation and see what God will do.

With your considerable influence, will you commit also to being a “circle starter,” by starting circles of prayer and encouraging your networks to be part of the circle?

Start circling with me in prayer for the Syrian people. Click here or visit 

Our prayer is Syria’s HOPE,

Erik Fish


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