Erik Fish
Matches & Movements, Part II: Don’t spill your wine!

Matches & Movements, Part II: Don’t spill your wine!

Baptizing a student at a student church gathering. Pray for Josiah - a mighty world changer! “Erik, I’m frustrated. I’ve led five people to Jesus on campus this semester. I’ve seen about 20 people experience a miraculous healing as I’ve gone out to pray for the sick....

Honoring Your Legacy

Honoring Your Legacy

Did you know you have a spiritual legacy? When you recognize and honor that legacy, there's a blessing that comes with it. The first command God gave that came with a promised blessing was, "Honor your father and mother, that it may be well with you and that you may...

Drugs. Jail. Jesus. Miracles

Drugs. Jail. Jesus. Miracles

I sent this message out to the Student Church community at today. Are you trusting God for student-led movements for the gospel on your campus? Join the global online community for student churches and mobilizers! Bear was a freshman at Haskell...

“Silly Christians” and Seeds for the Gospel

“Silly Christians” and Seeds for the Gospel

“Silly Christians,” Joe says with a smirk…

An hour later, we see Joe again on campus. I’m filled with faith for this guy.

“Hey, man,” I say as I point my finger at him. “God’s got a great destiny for your life if you’ll stop running from him.”

He smirks at me and walks away. Yes, I feel powerful and mighty.

Twenty feet later, he suddenly stops in his tracks.

Jesus. Sends. Apostles. Today.

Jesus. Sends. Apostles. Today.

APOSTLES!!!!! If you want to skip the rest of this article, just read the following three lines: Jesus was an apostle. Jesus sent apostles. We need apostles today. Now, if you want to keep going .... I would love to have you read further... A couple years ago I was...
