
Why Do You Have a Dandelion?

Dandelions are a fascinating creation.Kids love them. (Suburban yard-loving adults often don't!) The iconic "dandelion flower bouquet" fills a mom's kitchen vase, a precious gift from her small children. It's easy to kill one dandelion, but virtually impossible to...

Crazy Things Happen at a Student CPx

Crazy Things Happen at a Student CPx

Crazy things happen at a Student CPx. People learn they are more powerful in Jesus than they ever knew. People encounter God in prayer. Sick people get healed. Hearts get healed. People are freed to dream with God…and go try. Demons get cast out. Lost people meet...

Matches & Movements, Part II: Don’t spill your wine!

Matches & Movements, Part II: Don’t spill your wine!

Baptizing a student at a student church gathering. Pray for Josiah - a mighty world changer! “Erik, I’m frustrated. I’ve led five people to Jesus on campus this semester. I’ve seen about 20 people experience a miraculous healing as I’ve gone out to pray for the sick....

“Silly Christians” and Seeds for the Gospel

“Silly Christians” and Seeds for the Gospel

“Silly Christians,” Joe says with a smirk…

An hour later, we see Joe again on campus. I’m filled with faith for this guy.

“Hey, man,” I say as I point my finger at him. “God’s got a great destiny for your life if you’ll stop running from him.”

He smirks at me and walks away. Yes, I feel powerful and mighty.

Twenty feet later, he suddenly stops in his tracks.

Jesus. Sends. Apostles. Today.

Jesus. Sends. Apostles. Today.

APOSTLES!!!!! If you want to skip the rest of this article, just read the following three lines: Jesus was an apostle. Jesus sent apostles. We need apostles today. Now, if you want to keep going .... I would love to have you read further... A couple years ago I was...

Movement or Spiritual Family?

“The Lord sets the solitary in families.” Psalm 68:6 Q: Lots of multiplication and reproduction. What do you call that? A: The answer is two-fold. You can call it a movement or you can call it a growing family. When lots of kids are born – it’s a great thing. However,...
