Erik Fish
6 Mistaken Beliefs About the Holy Spirit

6 Mistaken Beliefs About the Holy Spirit

John MacArthur sparked some intense dialogue the last few months after his “Strange Fire” conference and the strong and sweeping criticisms he espoused about the Charismatic/Pentecostal movements. Here are six mistaken beliefs about the Holy Spirit.

What is a Simple Church?

What is a Simple Church?

Like a small seed goes into fertilized ground, germinates, and eventually multiplies, we can seed small churches into the soil of cultures and communities that don’t yet follow Jesus. A multiplying movement can start with a handful of disciples who begin gathering...

Lift Each Other Up

Lift Each Other Up

Jen & I have traveled 12,000 miles with our kids in three months. Been in 26 states. Touched the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean and made lots of new friends.
The greatest highlight for me?

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Stories from the 9,500th Mile

Stories from the 9,500th Mile

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Reflections at Mile 5,964

Reflections at Mile 5,964

Two months ago, we sold our house, put all we own into storage, and set out on an adventure as a family. We're traveling the country, making new friends, visiting old ones, starting churches, and building a lot of memories along the way. As we go, we're observing how...
